Seven Days
by Steven Bates 1 July 2024
Seven Days are full of terror
Seven Days are full of fear
For Seven Days I'm a preparer
of being the absolute worst for wear
The Seven Days starts July the first
The seven days goes on from there
The middle day, the 4th, the worst
But every day gives me a scare
The fireworks start off to test
By random shots fired in the air
To find the ones they think the best
The ones that have the biggest flair
Till finally on the Fourth the climax
Of three days testing my despair
Though patriotic, my fear subtracts
From basking in the rocket's glare
Three days more, or so it seems
Are leftover fireworks that I swear
Are fired when their passion deems
To give me just the worst nightmare
For Seven Days my patriot soul
Shakes in fear and utters prayer
Seven days I've no parole
Always being caught unaware
So think before you random shoot
Your fireworks just everywhere
Remember veterans are quite acute
From having been in real warfare
Just the Fourth is fine by me
For then I can prepare
Fire away, go willy-nilly
For one day I can spare
To walk around with headphones on
My music on full blare
But Seven days is far too long
It just seems so unfair
Let's work together, you and I
to celebrate Independence
Just remember that Flag does fly
because veterans fought with menace
To keep this nation strong and true
so you can have the rights
to light the fireworks into the blue
and illuminate the nights
So please remember the neighborhood
Is full of veterans, old and young
It does their PTSD no good
And makes us all high-strung
One day, the Fourth, they are prepared
And also New Year's Day
But Seven Days to that compared
Is much too stress their way