Currently Poemspeak is sending out "Stay Safe, Stay Strong, Stay Alive" for free. All the other books are available on Amazon and Audible, or on a case by case basis upon request with a caveat that it will take extra time as they will have to be ordered per each client.

Steven's first book of poetry took him the better part of 35 years to write. In it there are poems of military life, patriotism, deployments, depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, love, comedy, lightheartedness as well as some heaviness. This book covers just about every topic from his schoolboy infatuations to his struggle as a 5 time suicide attempt survivor.

Steven's third book, called tongue in cheekly "Beyond the 'After' Life because it was the book that went beyond the book "The 'After' Life". New poems, new inspirations, plus even some ventures into songwriting with lyrics Steven has submitted to the Nashville Songwriters' Association, (some with even favorable results). You never know what you'll find in this book but rest assured the topics of PTSD, depression and suicidal thoughts are not ignored.
This is Steven's second book, so named The "After" Life, because it was written "After" his military career was over and he had trasitioned to a life as a Disabled Veteran. The same struggles, hopes and dreams, as well as a few new ones, are contained within these pages (of course all new material though.) This is a more lighthearted collection of poems but still strikes a chord with those struggling.

Future Projects of Poemspeak
Who knows what the future of Poemspeak will bring? Perhaps your poems might be contained within the next book's pages. Perhaps you will have enough poems submitted to have your own book published and distributed. We are seeking poems and poets that help others with struggles of the invisible and visible kind. Struggles that few understand but affect so many. Please think about submitting your own work to help others. This could have your name and cover design as our fourth book!

This book is the compilation of selections from over four books of poetry written by Steven W Bates and has been created specifically as a resource for to contain only poems written about the struggles and situations created by living with PTSD, depression, and suicidal thoughts. It is the purpose of Poemspeak and the author to provide the reader with awareness that they are not alone in the hardships and hazards of these conditions and that they can survive, and thrive, while still learning to cope with, and manage, life with PTSD and depression. It is the hope of Poemspeak and the author that the reader finds solace, comfort, coping skills, compassion, camaraderie, and hope within these pages, as well as resources available along with the knowledge that there is someone, at least one person, that cares about them on a 24/7 basis regardless of category, class, color, country of origin or character. It is our primary hope that reading these poems will help in the battle to stay safe, stay strong, and stay alive!