Life is not an UNO game
By Steven W. Bates 1 August 2022
Here I sit with pen in hand
With nary a thought, nary a strand
Of how I can bring peace to you
When a simple task I cannot do
Then it hits me what I’ve done
When writing my problem in a way that’s fun
I’ve shown that even when Life is hard
No matter the hand I can find a card
To play against when Uno’s called
Instead of sitting dejected, appalled
Reverse, the order, skip a turn
So from the deck Life has to burn
Another card to keep on playing
So in this game of Life I’m staying
And when Life hits me with Draw Four
It’s just another Open Door
To have more ways to respond to Life
When it hits me with all types of strife
Draw Two, Wild Cards, just more ways
To brighten my future, change my days
For I’ve learned it’s how you see the threat
That determines if you shine or sweat
For Life’s not UNO, no, it’s WAR
And there’s so much worth you fighting for
So keep the Faith, no matter the hand
Keep on Living friend, take that Stand!!