All Saint’s Day
By Steven Bates 1 Nov 2023
Today’s the day the Saints arrive
To save the souls of all alive
To rid the land of ghosts and ghouls
To prove again that righteous rules
All Saints Day is what it’s called
When calmness after streets are mauled
By haunting creatures, spirits, dead
Wreaking havoc as they spread.
Yes, Halloween is just one night
Full of monsters there to fright
But All Saint’s Day shines on the first
To prove goods’ power o’er the worst
The Saints are here to rid the streets
Of monsters we mock with tricks or treats
And the creatures all an allegory
For the wonders of a bedtime story
So keep the Saints in prayers and thought
For all the battles that they’ve fought
To keep you safe the whole year round
Till skeletons break thru the ground
Then for one night we may have fear
To tell us that the coming year
The Saints remind good will prevail
No matter what the nights’ entail
So celebrate this day of Saints
That rid the world of foul that taints
The one night we call Halloween
The favorite night of every teen